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What To Expect From Workplace DEI Training?

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workplace dei training

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) training is a technique to educate, motivate, and up-skill people in the workplace. Done well, it can enable people to work as a team, benefiting from their differences in backgrounds, race, gender, age, culture, and experiences.

It aims to improve how people behave in the workplace, including how their behavior affects others. In that way, it aids in the maintenance of workplace harmony.

Why Is DEI Training Important?

DEI training programs are critical in the workplace because they give people the tools to name, address, and reduce covert harmful dynamics such as discrimination and harassment.

Employees are more likely to thrive in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. When employees thrive, the organization performs better. Training also improves communication and collaboration in teams, aiding retention and enhancing the company culture.

What Is The Goal Of An Inclusion Training Program?

Our workplaces are typically the most diverse environments of our lives. An inclusion and diversity training program aims to reduce workplace tensions caused by people of different backgrounds, races, cultures, experiences, genders, and ages interacting. It results in a more inclusive environment.

Objectives for training could include:

  • Clarify language and terminology to enable people to discuss DEI matters.
  • Improve communication and collaboration of diverse teams
  • Using a language that acknowledges diversity on the job posts, when communicating at the workplace and outside the workplace
  • Make the workplace more conducive for people with different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences to encourage teamwork.
  • Establish a setting that values diversity.

Benefits of Inclusion and Diversity Training

Some of the benefits of inclusion and diversity training are;

Promotes Cultural Competency

Diversity, equity, and inclusion training can help to reduce conflict due to cultural differences between people. It can increase cultural awareness, enabling employees to interact with others with respect and appreciation for their background, race, gender, beliefs, or experiences. This contributes to better decision-making as teams are better able to work through disagreements with culture and self-awareness.

Addresses Workplace Micro-Aggressions

Training can assist employees in understanding different types of non-inclusive behaviors, such as micro-aggressions so that they can both identify and avoid them. Micro-aggressions are disparaging remarks about a coworker’s race, gender, age, and sexual orientation. They are often unintentional and can have an outsized negative impact on experiences of inclusion and belonging. Addressing them can reduce harm and create harmony.

Improve Employee Retention

Diversity training can reduce turnover by cultivating a sense of belonging in the workplace. It makes people feel like they can talk about and successfully address issues that arise. This can signal to people that all parts of who they are are welcome, which makes people want to stay.

Boost Employee Morale

A diverse team has a diverse set of skills and experiences. Training gives employees a chance to share their stories and learn from one another. This creates bonding and boosts motivation. When employees have the opportunity for personal development, their morale rises.

Increase Productivity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion training can help increase employee contributions. This is because employees will feel more respected in their interactions with coworkers and the manager. Most employees want to perform well. Giving the team tools to appreciate differences can make people feel more valued for their contributions and motivate them within their team.

How to Make DEI Training More Effective

There are ways that you can make diversity programs more effective. They include:

Measure Progress

Make sure to provide feedback on how the company is doing in its DEI goals so that employees can track the company’s progress. This not only helps with motivation and planning but also can build trust.

Clarify Training Objectives

Set goals that diversity, equity, and inclusive training can help achieve and share them with your employees. You should also ensure that you set attainable goals and involve your employees. This can create alignment and shared accountability.

Use Different Types Of Training Methods

Use a variety of methods to provide inclusion training programs rather than relying on a single type of training. There are various mediums for workplace diversity training, including videos, speeches, or one-on-one coaching at times. This increases access for people with different learning styles.

Equip Your Employees With Resources To Reach Your Goals

After you’ve established your goals, make sure to provide resources to help your employees achieve them. Without the necessary resources, they may struggle or avoid making an effort. Resources will motivate and guide them in achieving their goals.

Hire Experts To Lead Your Training

Use professionals to ensure that diversity and inclusion training is effective. Because they have experience, diversity training providers will provide the necessary knowledge and will assist you in developing a customized program.

Offer Flexible Training Programs

Make certain that everyone in the workplace has access to training. Online resources such as webinars and one-on-one training are available. Those online resources can even be combined with conversations such as virtual lunch-and-learns or coffee chats. It will make training more accessible to those who live in remote areas. Also, make sure to allow adequate time for the training to take place.

Why Choose Hyphens And Spaces For Diversity And Inclusion Training?

At Hyphens and Spaces, we create effective DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs that maximize impact in organizations. We offer both custom training to generate unique solutions and core courses to address the common pain points teams are faced with. We work to improve our understanding of your goals to determine which subject areas we should focus on.

Over years of delivering custom courses to clients of all types, we have distilled the lessons, activities, and frameworks that have been the most impactful across audiences. When it comes to providing the best diversity training programs, we are the best value because we welcome difficult discussions and provide the tools to handle them. We have a dedicated and knowledgeable team. Contact us for quality DEI training services.

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Hyphens and Spaces Team

A DEI company for organizations dedicated to furthering social causes.

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