Palestine-Israel DEI Toolkit

Palestine-Israel DEI Toolkit

This particular period of violence in Gaza and Israel has drawn sustained attention and a deeper motivation for many people to shift the patterns of dehumanization, polarization, death, and suffering. 

This Toolkit offers a DEI-multiple disciplinary approach to support in that effort for individuals and leaders in the workplace approaching from a DEI lens. 

What’s inside this toolkit:
1- Opening letter to clarify intentions
2- Over 60-minutes of free content
3- Brief context to position us historically
4- Four videos detailing strategies you can take to your organization
5- Two Practical frameworks you can apply yourself to shift your mindset and actions
6- Answers to the following questions:

  • What you can do tactically to keep humans at the center of your actions
  • How you can process your own emotional responses so that you can show up for others
  • How you can engage around a polarizing topic without being polarizing or causing harm
  • How to operate at this moment to increase experiences of inclusion and equity rather than undermine the6

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