We’re ready to help

What we do

At Hyphens and Spaces, we leverage diversity, build equity, and cultivate inclusion for people in organizations dedicated to furthering social causes and justice. We believe that by empowering the people who are striving to create a more equitable world, we can increase their net impact and multiply the good. In short, we care for and serve those who do this work so that they can care for and serve others. Our primary tools for initiating meaningful change include, assessing culture, co-designing strategy, consulting on process, administering learning programs, facilitating conversations, as well as coaching individuals and teams.


We co-create DEI deliverables including staff & stakeholder experience analysis; internal and external DEI programs; equitable HR protocols, inclusive communications plans, and more. We do this through in-depth interviews and focus groups, by turning staff meetings into workshops, surveying stakeholders, and facilitating ideation sessions. We also know from experience that a DEI process must be inclusive and equitable from the start. That is why we work with staff at all levels, from the maintenance crew to the board chair – because everyone’s voice is valuable when making an organization better.

We believe that understanding your starting point is vital to a successful DEI process. Engrained in our learning programs are opportunities to reflect on personal history, articulate current realities in relation to the organization, the field, and society, then consider how all of these intersect to inform action. We know from experience that the personal impacts the professional, particularly in mission-driven organizations. We create space for people to bring their authentic selves to the DEI process; to create an environment rich with self-expression and contribution.

Our advising style is collaborative. We believe in training staff at organizations in how to have and lead conversations across differences. So even after our work is done, we leave organizations better equipped to have tough conversations in productive ways to continually build inclusion. In sessions, we hold space for multiple points of view while simultaneously supporting alignment, accountability, and healing. Creating space for each of these elements empowers courageous and conscious communication.

Services Breakdown

Custom Workshops


Our co-created custom learning programs focus on the key needs of your team. We acknowledge the experiences and perspectives of the teams we serve by inviting and incorporating those experiences into the learning engagement. 

The unique features of our custom workshops include:
  • Learning and Development Survey: Our brief survey hones-in on learner’s needs and opportunities
  • Custom Curriculum Design: We take the learnings from the survey to develop a custom curriculum for your team and organization
  • Course Series: All of our learning programs are delivered in a two, three or four part series so that learners can process concepts, cement learning, and practice skills in between sessions via assignments and exercises. That coupled with the benefit of group coaching supports true behavior change.

Non-custom Core Workshops

Anti black racism

Over years of delivering custom courses to clients of all types, we have distilled the lessons, activities, and frameworks that have been the most impactful across audiences into core workshop series.

Our Core Workshops cover topics including:
  • Allyship and Advocacy
  • Anti-racism in Institutional Contexts
  • Building Inclusion Starting with “Why”
  • Communicating Across Difference
  • Cultivating Common Language
  • Introduction to Anti-racism
  • Managing Diverse Teams
  • Racism and Anti-racism Processing Circles

Strategy and Enablement

what does DEI mean in the workplace

Our process is designed to uncover nuances to ensure strategies work for you. We support in the short-term to build capacity for your team’s long-term work.

Our approaches include:
  • Assessment
  • Visioning and Action Planning
  • Process Audit
  • Examples
    • Inclusive Branding
    • Recruiting and Hiring
    • Learning, Development and Onboarding
    • Performance Management & Rewards
  • Action & Implementation
  • General Advising
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