What We Do – Hyphens and Spaces

What We Do – Hyphens and Spaces

What we do

At Hyphens and Spaces, we leverage diversity, build equity, and cultivate inclusion for people in organizations dedicated to furthering social causes and justice. We believe that by empowering the people who are striving to create a more equitable world, we can increase their net impact and multiply the good. In short, we care for and serve those who do this work so that they can care for and serve others. Our primary tools for initiating meaningful change include consulting on processes, offering learning programs, facilitating conversations, as well as coaching.


Inclusive Process Consultation
Our process consultation interventions use action-learning techniques to co-create equitable and inclusive solutions in a specified organizational development area such as team meeting dynamics, decision-making processes, performance management systems, reward and recognition, etc.?We join you to observe, review, and assess your process in order to implement change toward more inclusive and equitable cultures.

DEI Learning & Practice
?Typical inclusion and bias courses rely on participants consuming information with the hope that they will be able to apply their learning to their work. Our learning and practice approach creates structured ways for participants to utilize learning in their lives and work throughout the program to enable truly transformative experiences.  ?Our cohort models provide support and accountability in service of sustainability.

Coaching & Facilitation
Many of us struggle with the words, and actions to engage or lead others with backgrounds different from our own. Sometimes you just need another person present to help you move through a tough moment in a working relationship or on a team. We provide facilitation and coaching support to help with those interactions.We hold space for multiple points of view as you engage conversations across differences to empower courageous and conscious communication.

Featured Programs

Inclusive Practitioners 

Individuals who must regularly serve or engage with populations who are demographically different than themselves are often confronted with gaps in knowledge, awareness, empathy, or ability to make those interactions as successful as they could be. This series of courses was designed to fill those gaps by enabling practitioners with the skills to bring conscious inclusion to every interaction.


  • Build self-awareness around the intersections of identity
  • Establish a common language to discuss identity, equity, and inclusion
  • Learn how to mitigate conscious and unconscious bias to form authentic relationships
  • Increase capacity among staff members to be inclusive practitioners.

Processing Anti-Black Racism

Racism exists in multiple facets of society and each of our lives. Each individual has a different entry point into this conversation. Assuming no prior knowledge, this facilitated session offers a space for individuals to consider their responses to witnessing anti-Black racism, how those responses are shaped by their personal history and identity, and how they understand their work in the context of this.

  • Articulate your emotional and psychological responses to what you’ve witnessed
  • Understand your responses in the context of your identity and values
  • ?Consider how anti-Black racism impacts the system you operate within
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